The Rieman Family
My grandfather, Ray Rieman, was raised in Union City, NJ with his 9 siblings. He became a dentist and lived in North Bergen, NJ. He is pictured in the bottom right of the below family photo.
These pages contain photos and stories of his family and of his life with my grandmother Henrietta Kinon.
1. The Riemans - 1891
Ray Rieman's parents, Frank and Margaretha Rieman, were both from Buffalo, NY. Frank was born there in 1858. Margaretha (nee Miller) was born there in 1860.
Frank and Margaretha married on April 4, 1883 in St. Michael's Church in Buffalo and they went on to have 10 children.
The picture on the left is of their first 4 children, all born in Buffalo. They are, from left to right: Georgianna, Clarence, Frank, Florence. This photo was taken in 1891.
The bottom photo is of Margaretha.
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2. Frank and Margaretha Rieman
Both Frank and Margaretha were from families of German heritage. Frank's father, Franz, was originally from a town near Hanover, Germany. After Frank's father came to the United States, he founded a carriage factory in Buffalo, NY.
Frank and his brother David also worked in the family carriage business. The picture on the left is an example of one of the carriages that the Rieman family made at their factory on South Division Street in Buffalo, NY.
In 1893, Frank and Margaretha moved their family to New Jersey and Frank became the eastern sales representative for the George J. Meyer Malt & Grain Company.
The Rieman family lived at 313 Highpoint Avenue in Union City, NJ.
Following is a description of one of the Rieman carriages:
Physicians' Phaeton. It will be noticed that this vehicle is quite roomy, a requisite now recognized as necessary in what has been denominated as 'the doctor's-home on wheels.' It is provided with a close top, which projects well over the front of the seat. There are two drawers under the seat, extending back to the seat line, for carrying medical cases, etc.; and, at the bottom of the back, behind the cushion, is an opening with a lid, which is intended as a receptacle for horse-blankets and other articles pertaining to horse clothing, thus removing to a great extent the possibility of odor arising there from permeating the drawers. |
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3. Buffalo, NY - House and Carriage Factory
The picture on the left is of the Rieman family home on North Division Street in Buffalo, NY. This is where Frank J. Rieman grew up.
The picture on the right is of the Rieman Carriage Factory in Buffalo. It was located at 71-73 South Division Street. The factory was founded in 1870 by Frank's father, Franz, and starting in 1886 was run by Frank and his brother David. Their line of carriages was built for physicians, the funeral trade and various businesses.
Comprised of three stories, the factory contained a hand-operated elevator used to transport carriages from floor to floor through the various stages of construction. After completion, the carriages were transported to the top floor, where they were sanded and varnished. The following description of the business was taken from the book 'Illustrated Buffalo' *:
FJ. & D. F. RIEMAN, Jn., Manufacturers of Fine Wagons, Carriages, and Phaetons, Nos. 71 and 73 S. Division Street
A Buffalo firm who sustain an 'A1' reputation for fine work in the manufacture of fine wagons, carriages, and phaetons is that of F. J. & D. F. Rieman, Jr., Nos. 71 and 73 South Division Street. The wagons and carriages of their building are noted for their beauty of design, ease of motion, strength of construction, and elegance of finish. The firm rank among the foremost representatives of this branch of business in western New York, and their patronage is extensive. Their factory is a three-story 50 x 115 foot brick structure, with yard. Etc., in connection. Over twenty expert mechanics are employed, and fine hand work is exclusively turned out here in light wagons, buggies, carriages, and phaetons, which are built to order and for sale, while painting and repairing are skillfully executed at short notice, jobbing being a specialty. Orders by telephone (No. 983) receive immediate attention. Prices are reasonable and satisfaction is guaranteed. This business was established In April, 1870, by D. F. Rieman, the elder, from whom, in 1886, it passed into the control of his sons and successors, the present proprietors. The Messrs. Rieman are natives of this city and masters of their art in all its branches.
* 'Illustrated Buffalo: The Queen City of the Lakes' is available for free at |
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4. Rieman Family Picture - circa 1908
Frank and Margaret Rieman raised their 8 sons and 2 daughters in Union City, NJ. This picture was taken circa 1908. They lived in Union City from 1893 until 1923 and then moved to Rutherford, NJ. After 1923, many of the Rieman siblings continued to live and work near Union City.
Top row: Georgiana, Clarence, Norbert, Frank, Carl, Florence
Bottom row: Martin, Frank, Vincent, Aloysius, Margaret, Raymond
Georgianna. 1885-1942. She was the 2nd born child and the eldest sister. She never married and worked as a secretary.
Clarence. 1888-1953. He owned a funeral home in Union City and he had 3 children: Clarence (C.J.), Frank and Marie. He was also a member of the Union City Board of Education and the NJ State Board of Funeral Directors.
Norbert. 1894-1918. Known as Nibs. He was an excellent baseball player who was sought after by the major leagues. He was going to law school when he passed away in 1918 of influenza. He was married and had one daughter.
Frank. 1884-1917. He was the first born of the siblings. Frank was a medical doctor. He was sought out by a Cleveland baseball team, but instead chose to go to medical school. He was married, but didn't have any children. He died at the age of 33 as a result of an infection to his hand while attending to a burn victim at St. Joseph's Hospital, Paterson.
Carl. 1892-1918. Carl was a Postal worker and was not married. He was a great basketball player and also a semi-professional baseball player. He was killed in France during WWI at the age of 26.
Florence. 1890-1956. She worked at a public library and also worked as a secretary. She never married. She had Parkinson's disease at a young age and passed away in 1956.
Martin. 1896-1978. Martin was married and had 3 children: Norma, Carl and Joan. Martin worked in the U.S. government printing office in Washington, D.C. He had 26 grandchildren in the Maryland/DC area.
Frank Sr. 1858-1937. Father. Frank was born in Buffalo on July 6, 1858. He had 9 brothers and sisters. Frank's parents, Franz Rieman and Elizabeth Ernst, were both originally from Germany. Frank worked in the family carriage business in Buffalo and one of the coaches that they'd built is on display in the Smithsonian museum. After moving to Union City, he went into the malt business. He was eastern sales representative of Meyer Malt Company where his salary was $40/week.
Vincent. 1905-1962. Vincent was the youngest child. He was a lawyer, graduating from Columbia Law School, and later became a judge in Union City. He was married, but didn't have any children. He died of cancer in 1962. His wife Nancy lived in Florida until she passed away in 1999.
Aloysius. 1899-1967. Aloysius was a doctor in Jersey City, NJ. He was married to Anna Davis and they had 5 children together. They had 26 grandchildren, most still living in New Jersey.
Margaret. 1860-1935. Mother. Born Margaretha Miller in Buffalo, NY on October 18, 1860. Margaret's parents, Philip Miller and Maria Anna Tambly, were both originally from Germany. Margaret died Jan 8, 1935 at 74 yrs of age.
Raymond. 1901-1993. Ray was a dentist in Union City, NJ. He married Henrietta Kinon and raised 3 children (Ray Jr, Mary Lou and Janet) in North Bergen, NJ. He was my grandfather and passed away in 1993.
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5. Ray's Childhood - Union City
My grandfather, Ray Rieman, was born on October 14, 1901 in Union City, NJ. These are some pictures of him as a boy. The picture on the left was taken at the family home on Highpoint Ave in Union City. The picture on the right was taken in 1907 for his First Communion.
Ray went to St. Michael's school in Union City where he graduated 8th grade in June, 1915. Below is his 8th grade class picture. Ray is standing in the 3rd row of the picture (3rd from the left).

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6. Thanksgiving Day - 1915
In addition to the two daughters, there were 8 sons in the Rieman family.
This photo of all the brothers was taken Thanksgiving Day, 1915 in Union City.
They are (left to right): Vincent, Raymond, Aloysius, Martin, Norbert, Carl, Clarence and Frank.
3 brothers passed away at a relatively young age (Carl in WWI, Norbert of influenza and Frank of pneumonia).
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7. Ice Skating and Pool Hall
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8. Ray's Teenage Years
After the United States entered World War I in April 1917, Ray went down to the local recruiting station with some friends to attempt to enlist. He was 15 and therefore ineligible; however he claimed he was older because he wanted to sign up. After the recruiter began the enlistment process, a neighbor saw him there and revealed his true age. As a result, he never enlisted.
Ray also got in some trouble a year later when he and a few friends pulled a prank at their high school. He had just finished his junior year of school and he and his friends threw eggs at some teachers near the school. This article on the incident appeared in The Jersey Journal on June 15, 1918.
TEACHERS ARE 'ROTTEN EGGED' BY H.S. BOYS Lads Must Make Public Apology and May Lose Their Diplomas. The Board of Education of West Hoboken* has decided that the five boys, members of the graduating class, who with three others threw rotten eggs at several members of the High School faculty on Thursday, will be compelled to make a public apology in the High School auditorium on Monday. The members of the Board before whom the boys were tried yesterday may deprive the boys of diplomas, but no definite decision has been reached. The apology will be made in the presence of the school trustees, faculty, parents of the boys and the entire school body.
The boys who are charged with the misconduct are: Howard McCartney, son of Patrolman McCartney, Mark Sheridan, Martin Arnest, Nicholas Bach and Frank Guisti, members of the graduating class of the High School and Amadee Trasso, son of Councilman Anthony Trasso: Raymond Rieman and Walter Guerber. Young Trasso was formerly a student of the school, but left a few months ago.
The members of the faculty who were hit by the eggs are Messrs. Metcalf, Corsen, Carey, Langston and Lee. The five teachers were standing on a street corner when the boys, who were passing in an automobile, opened an egg barrage on them. The teachers retired to a room in the High School and the attack was continued by the boys who had reached there first. Metcalf and Lee, who happened to be alone in the room at the time, received the full brunt of the new attack in which a shower of eggs fell.
A report of the occurrence to Supt. Smith started an investigation which resulted in the boys and their parents coming before the School Board yesterday. The boys claim that they were having a 'little fun' at the expense of the teachers. Four of the boys who are in the affair were members of the basketball team which was suspended a short time ago by the faculty.
* Union City was known as West Hoboken prior to 1925. |
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9. Norbert Rieman - Baseball
Norbert Rieman, aka 'Nibs', was my grandfather's older brother.
He was an excellent baseball player with aspirations to play in the major leagues.
Below are pictures of him with some of his teams.
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10. Norbert Rieman - Influenza - 1918
Norbert is pictured above with his West Hoboken team (kneeling, bottom right). On February 7, 1917, he married Mary Dietz and they had 1 daughter together named Frances. Then, in October 1918, when Frances was 6 months old, Norbert died of influenza. He was 24 years old.
His daughter (along with Norbert's wife Mary) lived for 1 year with the Rieman family after he died. Mary eventually remarried.
The epidemic of
influenza that swept the globe in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. Within a few months, more than 500,000 Americans died. Norbert was buried at Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City, New Jersey on Nov 2, 1918. This article below about Norbert's death appeared in the newspaper on Nov 3, 1918.
They laid away one of the greatest little semi-pro pitchers that ever stepped on a mound in this county when the remains of 'Nibs' Rieman were interred yesterday in a plot in the Holy Name Cemetery. 'Nibs' is no more but his memory will live long in Hudson County baseball circles.
It seems but yesterday that the hard working and zealous 'Nibs' was pushing 'em over the pan for the St. Michaels and West Hobokens. Those were the time. Those were the days when our semi-professional teams ranked with the best in the country. And that tour of the eastern section of the country made by the St. Michaels, 'Nibs' was the real hero of the campaign. It was his pitching that brought the Saints home first under the wire in mostly all the games played. True it may be that 'Nibs' was backed by a formidable fighting force but that fighting force largely depended upon young Rieman to pave the way to victory.
Rieman was one of the best liked fellows in the game too. He had what is oftimes referred to as a 'sunny disposition'. He wore a smile always - the smile of a winner for he seldom lost when he was right. Ability does not always make an athlete populate with his fellowmen. He must have a certain amount of likeable traits. On and off the diamond 'Nibs' had everything. He carried the friendship and high esteem of all who knew, or ever came in contact with him, to his grave.
At the time he was setting the county afire he was sought by major league scouts. These highly paid emissaries of the big league clubs prevailed on him time and again to hit the high spots in baseball but somehow or other he decided not to grasp the golden opportunity that awaited him. Presumably he had reasons of his own. He was a home product and never believed in wandering too far away from the home fires. We've had many good pitchers since the days of 'Nibs' but none of them measured, so far as we could see, up to the Rieman standard. It'll be a long time before we have another 'Nibs' Rieman. |
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11. Carl Rieman - Camp Dix - 1918
My grandfather's brother, Carl, was born in 1892. In 1918, he was working as a postman when he was drafted to serve in WWI. He was inducted into the United States Army on July 26, 1918 in West Hoboken. He then went through basic training at Camp Dix, NJ and was assigned to 'F' Company, 348th Infantry, 87th Division.
An article on Carl's deployment appeared in The Jersey Journal on July 3, 1918. It reads:
SEND OFF FOR NEXT TWO DRAFT QUOTAS FRIDAY Combined Farewell Celebration for July’s Contribution to National Army.
A send-off that will live long in their memory will be accorded the twenty-two men comprising the next quota to leave West Hoboken on July 8, in the auditorium of Emerson High School Friday. Daniel O’Brien, chairman of the entertainment committee is in charge of the farewell celebration, and his success in conducting similar affairs in the past insures the success of coming event.
The Home Defense League at its meeting last night decided to include in the celebration all the drafted men who leave during the month of July, so this will mean that the two July quotas, leaving on the eighth and twenty-second, respectively, will be honored Friday.
Aside from two noted speakers, Chairman O’Brien has arranged to have the famous band of the Fifteenth U.S. Infantry to take part in the affair. They met with such approval at the last send-off that Chairman O’Brien decided to engage them again. Efforts are being made to get the noted Four Minute Chorus, of New York, consisting of sixty voices. They have sung in and about New York the last two years and have earned the high praise of the press wherever they have appeared.
Among the embryo soldiers who leave on the eighth are many prominent young men of West Hoboken. Carl Rieman, a brother of Coroner Clarence Rieman, and William Halsch, who played a leading role in West Hoboken’s passion play, 'Veronica’s Veil' are listed to go. |
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12. Carl Rieman - The Argonne

Carl was killed on October 12, 1918 in France during the Battle of the Argonne. He died at the age of 26, less than 3 months after enlisting. The Battle of the Argonne was fought in the fall of 1918 by the United States First Army. Operations were conducted in three stages and it was during the second stage that Carl was killed. The second stage, which lasted from October 4th to October 16th, saw the First Army cross the Aire River and capture all major German defense positions in the Argonne region. U.S. casualties in the entire Battle of the Argonne were 117,000 killed or wounded. The war ended one month later on November 11, 1918.
Below is an article that appeared in the Hudson Dispatch. The mention of 'Troy' in the title refers to his basketball team.
Former Troy Star Lies 'Somewhere In France'
Private Carl Rieman, Well-Known Local Athlete Reported
to Have Fell on Oct. 12
Was Brother of the Late 'Nibs' Rieman.
In a telegram received last night from the War Department, Coroner Clarence Rieman, was notified that his younger brother, Private Carl Joseph Rieman, well-known athlete of West Hoboken, and former star of the Troy basketball team, died on October 12 last, of wounds received in action. Young Rieman is the first semi-professional basketball player and so far as is known the first prominent athlete of North Hudson to make the supreme sacrifice.
The news of the death of the athlete was received early last night, and spread throughout North Hudson like wild fire. Carl was a favorite with the Lincoln Hall fandom, and his demise was a severe shock to the local sporting world. Manager Frank Corrigan, under whom Rieman played basketball for a number of years, and Referee Harry Wallum, refuse to believe it, so great was their surprise.
Private Rieman was 26 years old and resided with his parents at 313 Highpoint Avenue, West Hoboken. His is the third bereavement the Rieman family has suffered within a year. His oldest brother, Dr. Frank Rieman, died awaiting a call to the Army last spring. Another brother, the famous 'Nibs' Rieman, of baseball fame, died of pneumonia three weeks ago. He is survived by his parents, five brothers, Raymond, a member of the Emerson High School basketball team; Coroner Clarence Rieman, Marty, Aloysius and Vincent, and two sisters, Georgiana and Florence.
Young Rieman was a member of Co. F. 348th Infantry, of the famous 87th Division, that made itself famous in the now historical Argonne Forest campaign in which a number of local boys lost their lives. He was called to the colors on July 26, and after a brief sojourn at Camp Dix went overseas.
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13. Carl Rieman - Holy Name Cemetery

Carl was buried at Tolence (near Bordeaux, France) in 1918. Less than 2 years later, in November 1920, his body was brought back to the United States and he was buried in Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City.
Below is his death certificate from the United States Army. It reads:
'This is to certify that Carl J. Rieman, Private 1st Class, Company F, 348th Infantry, died with honor in the service of his country on the twelfth day of October, 1918.
Given at Washington, D.C., office of The Adjutant General of the Army, this ninth day of July, 1919.'
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14. Emerson Basketball
Ray attended Emerson High School in Union City and graduated in 1919. He played on the basketball team and was also the shortstop on the baseball team. Below are a few articles from Ray's senior year of high school. They are from the 1918-1919 basketball season.
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15. Dental office - Good hours, easy work

After high school, Ray went to NYU Dental School and graduated in 1923 at the age of 21. He worked for another dentist for a year and then opened his own dental practice on Bergenline Avenue in Union City. At the time, Ray lived with his brother Clarence and Clarence's family on New York Avenue in Union City. This was convenient for him because it was one block away from his new dental office.
When Ray started his practice he also hired an office assistant. This below note was given by Ray to his future wife, Henrietta (Etta), inviting her to work in his new office. It was written on the back of one of his new business cards and it reads:
Dear Etta. As I heard you are not working I am taking this opportunity to ask you if you would consider working for a Dentist. Which work is pleasant, easy & good hours. If you so desire you can find out more details by calling at the office any time you care to. If not just let me know. Absolutely no experience required. Best regards, Ray
Ray and Etta went to the same high school (Emerson High School in Union City), but were not in the same grade. Etta knew of him after they graduated because he was a basketball referee and she would attend some of the games at the school.
Etta accepted Ray's offer of employment and she started working in his office in January of 1925 at the age of 19.
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16. The Monk of Emerson High
 | | This below article is from Ray's scrapbook. He saved only the last two paragraphs of a story about him and another basketball player named Frank Donnelly. The article was written in 1929 and the game mentioned in the article took place in 1919. (The article refers to Ray as 'Monk Rieman' because when he played basketball at Emerson, 'Monk' was his nickname.)
Frank also recalled the game with Emerson that year which the Blue and White won by a score of 41 to 29 (he still remembers the exact score!) He got into a tussle with Monk Rieman, of the Emerson team, and though they both stayed in the game - they had agreed to fight it out afterwards. When the game ended, however, there was a patrol wagon waiting outside the door - and somebody very sagaciously shoved Rieman one way and Donnelly another way - and the incident ended then and there.
Incidentally, a fight between Rieman, who is now practicing dentistry on the avenue, and Donnelly, would be a bum match. Rieman has gained two full pounds since he left Emerson a decade ago, and little, if any height. On the other hand, Donnelly now stands a good bit over six feet and scales something like 220 pounds. |
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17. The Rieman siblings
Various pictures of some of the Rieman siblings.
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18. Manasquan - 1928
 | | The Riemans would spend summer vacations at the Jersey Shore. Ray had the house in these pictures built in 1925 for $3,500. The house is still standing and is located on Euclid Avenue in Manasquan, NJ.
In those days it took 2 1/2 hours to drive from Union City to Manasquan in the summer. The family would take Route 9 down, typically stopping at the American Hotel in Freehold for lunch.
On the bottom step is (from left to right): Ray, his brother Vincent, his nieces Peggy & Jane, nephew Frank and his brother Aloysius (holding the hat).
On the porch is (from left to right): Aloysius Jr (infant baby in lap), Aloysius' father-in-law Mr. Davis, Aloysius' wife Anna and Frank Rieman Sr (standing). |
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19. Ray and Etta's Wedding - 1932
Not long after Etta began working in Ray's office, they started dating. They would go to dinner after work or to a show in New York City. They also went dancing at Roseland Ballroom on 52nd street.
Ray proposed to Etta in 1931, before seeing a show in the city. They tied the knot on June 9, 1932.
These pictures were taken at the ceremony, which was held at St. Michael's Church in Union City, New Jersey.
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20. Ray and Etta's Wedding - Article
Below is an article about their wedding which took place on June 9, 1932.
Henrietta Kinon Bride Of Dr. Raymond Rieman
Pretty Ceremony Is Performed at St. Michael’s Monastery Church
Miss Henrietta Kinon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis, of 815 15th street, Union City, and Dr. Raymond J. Rieman of Rutherford, were married yesterday at 10 o’clock in the morning in St. Michael’s Monastery, Union City, with Rev Benedict, C.P. officiating.
The bride in white satin and ruffled net with court train, long veil of tulle arranged cap fashion with orange blossoms and arm bouquet of lilies, was given in marriage by her father.
Miss Bertha Kinon, sister of the bride, in white silk organdy with picture hat and arm bouquet of red roses, was maid of honor. Vincent M. Rieman, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. John Coyle and Edward Smarak ushers and the two little nieces of the bridegroom, Peggy and Jane Rieman, twin daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Aloysius Rieman of Union City, were flower girls. They wore frocks of white organdy and carried baskets of red rose petals.
The altars were bright with flowers and lighted candles. Music was by Miss Edna Fiedler, soprano soloist, with Prof. Walter Waters at the organ. Hundreds of friends of the bride couple attended the ceremony, which was followed later by a reception and wedding breakfast at Hotel Plaza, Jersey City, to 50 guests, all relatives.
Many beautiful gifts were received for the new home in the Ponciana Apartments on Hudson Boulevard, where the bridal couple will be at home to their friends on return from a tour of the West Indies, on which they start tomorrow sailing on the S.S. Orizaba of the Vera Cruz line.
The bride is a graduate of Emerson High School and attended Newark Normal School. She was office assistant to the doctor in his Union City dental office, where her sister, Miss Bertha Kinon, will now take her place.
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21. Honeymoon in Mexico - S.S. Orizaba
For their honeymoon, Ray and Etta went on a 3 week cruise to Mexico. They departed New York City on Saturday, June 11, 1932 on the ship the S.S. Orizaba.
On the left is Ray with the captain of the ship, Captain James Blackadder. The captain and his family were Ray's patients back in NJ. The top picture is of the S.S. Orizaba. On the right are Ray and Etta having a drink on a stop-over in Havana, Cuba.
Ray even did some work on the trip: while sailing to Mexico, he pulled one of the captain's teeth.
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22. Honeymoon in Mexico - Aztec ruins
In Mexico, the ship docked in the city of Orizaba. There they climbed Orizaba Mountain and then took a train to Mexico City where they stayed at the American Hotel.
The top picture was taken on the deck of the S.S. Orizaba.
The bottom picture was taken on a trip to visit Aztec ruins outside of Mexico City. Etta is in the foreground on the left.
In Mexico City they bought a lot of souvenirs because the prices were cheap. Ray's favorite purchase was a Chihuahua, which he bought for his twin nieces, Jane and Peggy Rieman. Crewmembers on the ship helped care for the dog on the journey back to New York.
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23. Clarence Rieman - Funeral Director
Ray's older brother, Clarence, was born in 1888. He married Elizabeth Schulz on September 28, 1916 and together they had 3 children: C.J., Frank and Marie.
Clarence was a funeral director and owned Rieman Funeral Home in Union City. The above picture is of Ray (far right) and others standing outside the original Rieman Funeral Home. The business was eventually moved to 1914 New York Avenue in Union City.
Clarence was also on the Board of Education in Union City. The below photo and article is about a dinner held in his honor after his appointment to the board.
Clarence passed away in 1953 at the age of 65. After he passed away, his sons C.J. and Frank took over the business. |
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24. Golden Jubilee - 1933
The above pictures were taken for Frank and Margaretha's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
There was a reception to celebrate the event which was held for 300 guests on April 4, 1933 at Yountakah Country Club (Nutley, NJ.)
Below is the invitation to the ceremony at the church held prior to the reception.

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25. Aloysius - Monastery Fire - 1934

Ray's brother, Aloysius, was born in 1899. Aloysius married Anna Davis on Sept 13, 1923 and they lived on Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City. He was a surgeon and Anna a school teacher and together they had 5 children. After they started their own families, Ray and Aloysius lived near each other and remained close their whole lives.
On May 31, 1934, there was a massive fire at St. Michael's Monastery in Union City. Aloysius was working at the time as a doctor at North Hudson Hospital in Weehawken and he treated many of the wounded that day in a makeshift hospital near the fire.
Below is an excerpt from an article on the incident. Both the Aerial View picture (on the left) and the article were saved in Ray's scrapbook.
Thirteen firemen and ten citizens were sufficiently injured or overcome during the big Monastery conflagration yesterday to require medical attention, but none of them was seriously injured.
Practically all of the injured were given treatment at the Emergency Hospital established in 'The Sign' building, directly across the street from the burning church, by physicians of the North Hudson Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Aloysius P. Rieman, of the surgical staff, Miss May Smith, the superintendent; Drs. Meyer and Ciancimino internes, and a half dozen nurses.
Most of those treated sustained their hurts when an old gas line, which formerly fed the lighting system of the church, exploded and threw many firemen to the street and scattered flying debris over citizens who were watching the firemen at work. |

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26. Ray - Starting a family - 1934
 | | Two years after Ray and Etta married, they welcomed their first child, Ray Jr., who arrived in 1934.
On the left is a photo of Ray and Ray Jr. At the time of this photo, they were living in an apartment on Kennedy Boulevard in North Bergen, NJ.
The below note was sent to newborn Ray Jr. from his cousins (Aloysius' children) on July 5, 1934. It reads:
Dear Baby Ray, We are all so glad you arrived. We hope mother and you are feeling well.
May you and your mother and daddy bring each other much happiness and joy.
Your cousins, Frank, Al Jr, Jane, Peggy |
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27. Margaretha Rieman Obituary - 1935

Margaretha Rieman passed away in January 1935 at the age of 74. Her obituary reads:
Mrs. F. J. Rieman of Rutherford Dies
Husband Is Critically Ill – Mother of Prominent Men Here
Mrs. Margaretha Rieman, (nee Miller), old time resident of the West Hoboken section of Union City and mother of several prominent Hudson County business and professional men, died at her home, 200 Montrose Avenue, Rutherford, yesterday in her seventy-fourth year.
Her death proved a great shock to her family. She had been ill for about ten days from bronchial pneumonia. Her husband, Frank J. Rieman, was not apprised of her death because he lies critically ill at their home. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on April 4, 1932.
Surviving Mrs. Rieman besides her husband are her sons, Clarence J. Rieman, Union City undertaker and member of the local Board of Education; Dr. Aloysius Rieman of Jersey City; Dr. Raymond J. Rieman, dentist, of Union City; Counselor Vincent Rieman of Union City, and Martin Rieman of the U.S. government printing office, Washington, D.C. Two daughters, the Misses Georgiana and Florence Rieman of Union City and twelve grandchildren also survive. Three other sons, Norbert, Dr. Frank D. and Carl J., predeceased their mother. Carl J. died a hero on the battlefield during the World War.
Mrs. Rieman was born in Buffalo, N.Y., October 1860. With her husband she lived in the downtown section of Union City for a good number of years, prior to twelve years ago when they moved to Rutherford. The family, perhaps one of the best known in North Hudson, established an enviable reputation in the West Hoboken section.
Bert A. Water and Herman Bediges of Jersey City will have charge of the funeral arrangements. The funeral will take place from the home at 9:30 a.m. Friday, thence to St. Mary’s Church, Rutherford, where a mass will be held. Interment will be in Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City.
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28. Frank Sr Obituary - 1937

Frank J. Rieman passed away in 1937 at the age of 79.
Pictured on the left is the family home at 200 Montross Ave in Rutherford, NJ. The family moved from Union City to this house in 1923.
Date: Dec 20, 1937
Title: Frank J. Rieman Dies in Bergen
Subtitle: Father of Hudson Professional Men Had Been Ill for Several Years
Frank J. Rieman, head of one of North Hudson’s best known families, died at his home, at 200 Montross Avenue, Rutherford, at 6:30 o’clock this morning, after an illness of more than three years’ duration. Death was not expected until last night, however, when he lapsed into a coma.
Mr. Rieman was born in Buffalo, N.Y., seventy-nine years ago, settled in old West Hoboken* with his family over forty years ago. He took up his residence in Bergen County about ten years ago, but continued his local activities and contacts until he became ill.
He was the father of School Trustee and former County Coroner Clarence J. Rieman, of Union City; Martin Rieman, an executive in the public printer’s office at Washington; Dr. Aloysius Rieman, of Jersey City Heights; Dr. Raymond J. Rieman, of Union City; Counselor Vincent J. Rieman, of Rutherford and Union City, and the Misses Margie and Florence Rieman, of Rutherford.
Mr. Rieman’s wife, the late Margaretta Rieman (nee Miller), died several years ago during her husband’s illness and soon after their golden wedding jubilee. Three other sons, Dr. Frank Rieman, Carl, a Union City letter carrier, and Norbert, a title lawyer, predeceased their parents. Carl was killed in France during the World War.
He is also survived by a brother, Joseph, and two sisters, Catherine and Anna, of Buffalo, and another brother, David, of Philadelphia, and by thirteen grandchildren.
For the past twenty-seven years Mr. Rieman was the eastern sales representative of the George J. Meyer Malt and Grain Corporation of Buffalo, and was well known in the brewing industry throughout the Middle Atlantic and New England States. Prior to his entry into the grain industry, Mr. Rieman was a coach builder, his father being one of the pioneers in that industry in this country.
* Union City was known as West Hoboken prior to 1925
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29. Ray - Family Life
Ray and Etta's second child, Mary Lou (my mother), was born in 1938. Their 3rd child, Janet would arrive in 1944.
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30. Ray - Professional Life
In addition to his private dental practice, Ray was also the President of the Hudson County Dental Society and was on the board of the New Jersey Dental Society. The picture on the left is the cover of the brochure for the 1947 annual dinner of the Hudson County Dental Society. The dinner was held in Ray’s honor on April 4th, 1947 at the Union Club in Hoboken, NJ.
There were over 200 guests and on the right is a photo from the dinner. Four of the men in the photo are Ray’s brothers.
Top row: his brother Vincent, Frank (Aloysius’ son), C.J. (Clarence’s son), his brother Aloysius.
Bottom row: Ray, Ray Jr, his brother Clarence and his brother Martin.

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31. North Bergen, NJ - 1942
In 1942, Ray and Etta wanted to build a house in Weehawken, but they couldn't because during the war there were restrictions on using certain materials. Instead, they bought this house at 8135 Kennedy Boulevard in North Bergen. They lived there from 1942 to 1987. We visited them there every few months during the 1970s and 1980s and also spent each Christmas and Thanksgiving there.
The first picture below was taken after a big snowstorm in 1944. In the photo, from left to right: my mom (Mary Lou), Ray Jr and Etta.
The bottom left picture is of Ray and Etta doing dishes in their kitchen in 1956.
On the bottom right is a picture of their house taken in 1969. Ray, Etta and their daughter Mary Lou are standing on the front-steps.
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32. Georgianna Rieman - 1942

Georgianna Rieman was Ray's eldest sister. She was born in Buffalo in 1885 and moved to Union City with the family when she was eight.
The picture on the left was taken Sunday, August 17, 1913 at Rockaway Beach, NY. Georgianna is on the left and her friend, Jessica Ridgway is on the right.
In the early 1900s, various amusement parks, stores, and resort hotels at Rockaway Beach attracted people from all over to spend the day there.
Geogianna passed away June 20, 1942 at the age of 56. The text of her obituary reads:
Miss Georgianna Marjorie Rieman, member of one of the most prominent families in the West Hoboken section of Union City, died at her home, 1013 Palisade Avenue, Sunday, from a heart condition. She had been ill only a week.
Miss Rieman lived in Rutherford about ten years at 200 Montross avenue, with her parents, the late Frank and Margaretha Miller-Rieman.
She was the sister of School Trustee Clarence Rieman, Dr. Aloysius P. Rieman, who is a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy; Dr. Raymond J. Rieman, Counselor Vincent M. Rieman, Martin Rieman and Miss Florence Rieman. She was 56 years of age.
Born in Buffalo, N.Y., Miss Rieman went to old West Hoboken when she was a child of eight years.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning from the residence with a mass of requiem in Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at 10 o'clock. Burial was in Holy Name Cemetery. |
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33. Riemans in WW2
Three of Frank and Margaretha's grandchildren fought in World War II.
Carl J. Rieman: | Carl was the son of Martin Rieman. He was a Navy fighter pilot in the Pacific Theatre. He was involved in many engagements with the Japanese, the most famous being the defense of the USS Laffey from kamikaze attack on April 15, 1945. * |
C.J. Rieman: | C.J. was the son of Clarence Rieman. C.J. served in the US Air Force in the Pacific flying P-38s. He flew on over 100 combat missions against the Japanese and also trained with Charles Lindbergh when Lindbergh was working as a civilian advisor to the Air Force. The picture above is in the book Black Sunday **, which tells the story of what happened to C.J.'s squadron during a mission over New Guinea on April 16, 1944. After the war, C.J. lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He passed away in 2009 ***. |
Frank C. Rieman: | Frank was the second son of Clarence Rieman. Frank was a U.S. Army Air Force veteran who attained the rank of sergeant. He was a licensed funeral director and the owner of Rieman Funeral Home, Union City, for 54 years, retiring in 2001. Frank passed away in 2005. |
* The attack on the USS Laffey was featured on History Channel's Dogfights TV series. Interviews with Carl appear in the show. The show title is 'Kamikaze' and aired July 13, 2007.
** Book by Michael John Claringbould.
*** My mom Mary Lou (C.J.'s cousin) recalled after his passing: 'My most vivid memory of C.J. is when I was only a little girl he visited our home in uniform and he seemed so tall and handsome. I was so proud to be his cousin. My parents always spoke so highly of him. He had a great life with a wonderful family.'
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34. The Jersey Shore - 1940s
Ray, Etta and their 3 children (Ray Jr, Mary Lou and Janet) would spend summers at the Jersey Shore.
In the top picture, they are with their children, Mary Lou and Ray Jr, on the boardwalk.
In the bottom picture, they are at their beach house near Lake Louise in Point Pleasant, NJ.
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35. Rieman siblings - circa 1950
This photo was taken circa 1950. By this time 4 of the siblings (Frank, Norbert, Carl, Georgianna) had passed away. This photo is of the remaining 6 siblings. The are, from left to right: Raymond, Aloysius, Vincent, Clarence and Martin. Florence is sitting.
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36. Dental Christmas Tree
Ray closed his private dental practice in 1964, but still worked part-time. He worked in the Longshoreman's clinic in Hoboken and also in Union City schools.
Below right is an announcement on his appointment as school dentist in Union City.
Also pictured below is Ray and 2 students with a 'Dental Christmas tree' in one of the schools.
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37. Grandkids and Visiting Hawaii
Ray and Etta spent the summer of 1968 visiting 3 of their grandchildren in Hawaii. The top picture (taken July 1968) is of them with Diamond Head and Honolulu in the background.
Ray and Etta had 9 grandchildren: Ray Jr had 3 children, Mary Lou had 4 children and Janet had 2 children.
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38. Ray's Obituary - 1993

In 1987, Ray and Etta moved from North Bergen, NJ to Brick, NJ in order to be closer to family.
In the top picture, they are wearing the letter 'E' in reference to Emerson High School, which they both attended. The middle picture is of them and their 3 children at their home in Brick. Both pictures were taken in the late-1980s.
Ray passed away on March 5, 1993 at the age of 91.
His wife, Etta, passed away on April 27, 2003 at the age of 97.
His obituary, on the bottom left, appeared in The Jersey Journal on March 6, 1993. It reads:
Dr. Raymond J. Rieman, 91, a retired Hudson County dentist, died yesterday in his Brick Township home.
Born in West Hoboken, he lived in Union City, North Bergen and Rutherford before moving to Brick Township five years ago.
A graduate of New York University Dental School in 1923, he practiced in Union City for 54 years before retiring many years ago.
Rieman was a past president of the Hudson County Dental Society, a member of the Board of Examiners for the New Jersey Dental Society and the Union City Board of Education.
Surviving are his wife of 60 years, Henrietta; a son, Dr. Raymond L.; two daughters, Mary Lou Martin and Janet Norton; nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild.
Mass will be said at 11 a.m. Monday in St. Martha's Church, Point Pleasant. Arrangements are by Rieman Funeral Home, Union City. |
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39. Frank and Margaretha's descendants
Frank and Margaretha had 10 children, 15 grandchildren and 70 great-grandchildren.
The below table lists their children (left-column) and all of their descendants down to great-grandchildren.
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40. Frank, Margaretha and grandchildren
Photos of Frank and Margaretha with their grandchildren.
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41. The Rieman wives
The below picture is of all 7 spouses of the Rieman siblings. (3 of the 10 children - Carl, Georgianna and Florence - never married.)
This picture was taken in May, 1953. The spouses are, from left to right:
Elizabeth, Nellie, Nancy, Henrietta, Margaret, Anna, Mary *

Wife First and Last Name | Born-Died (Age**) | Married | Husband First and Middle Name | Born-Died (Age**) |
Elizabeth Schulz | 1885-1969 (84) | Sep 28, 1916 | Clarence James | 1888-1953 (65) |
Nellie Van Houten | 1885-1955 (70) | Aug 17, 1913 | Frank David | 1884-1917 (33) |
Nancy Gillespie | 1921-1999 (78) | Oct 28, 1943 | Vincent Mortimer | 1905-1962 (57) |
Henrietta Kinon | 1905-2003 (97) | Jun 9, 1932 | Raymond Joseph | 1901-1993 (91) |
Margaret Zank | 1898-1986 (88) | Jan 20, 1916 | Martin Milton | 1896-1978 (82) |
Anna Davis | 1902-2000 (98) | Sep 13, 1923 | Aloysius Philip | 1899-1967 (68) |
Mary Dietz | 18??-1986 | Feb 7, 1917 | Norbert Romanus | 1894-1918 (24) |
* Mary remarried after Norbert passed away and she became Mary Bischoff
** Age actually may be 1 year earlier (due to not always knowing the month and day of each persons birth and death)
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42. Rieman Family Plot
The picture on the left is of the Rieman house located at 313 Highpoint Avenue, Union City, NJ. This is the first house that the family lived in after they moved from Buffalo to New Jersey.
The picture on the right is of the Rieman Family Grave located in Holy Name Cemetery (823 West Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ). The plot number is M-125-A. The small, white military grave marker on the right is Carl's, which was brought back from France, along with his remains, after WWI. I took both of these pictures in 2003.
The following Riemans are buried in the family plot:
Name | Age | Burial Date |
Norbert | 24 | Nov 2, 1918 |
Carl | 25 | Nov 6, 1918 |
Margaret (mother) | 74 | Jan 9, 1935 |
Frank Sr (father) | 79 | Dec 21, 1937 |
Georgiana | 56 | June 24, 1942 |
Florence | 67 | Sept 17, 1956 |
Vincent | 57 | Oct 3, 1962 |
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43. Map of Union City
 | Location of Union City highlighted in the State of New Jersey (left).
Detailed map of Union City (below). |
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44. Franz David Rieman (1833-1903)
Franz David Rieman was my great-great-grandfather. He was born on March 29, 1833, in Wallenhorst, Germany and he immigrated to the United States at age 14. He made the journey to the U.S. with his sister Elizabeth (Lisette) Rieman, who herself was only 17 years old at the time. Together they sailed from the port of Bremen, Germany on September 7, 1847 bound for New York City. After arriving in New York City, Franz and Lisette traveled to upstate New York, following in the footsteps of other Rieman relatives who had previously settled in the city of Buffalo, New York.
In the year 1855, at the age of 22 and after living in the U.S. for 8 years, Franz David became a U.S. citizen. One year later, in 1856, he got married. He and his wife, Elizabeth Ernst (born September 26, 1833, in Battenberg, Germany), had met in the church choir and they were married on November 20th 1856. At the time of their marriage, they were both 23 years of age. The ceremony was held at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church located on Broadway Avenue in Buffalo. Franz and Elizabeth's first place of residence after their marriage was on Eagle Street in Buffalo; in the same neighborhood as other relatives from Hanover, Germany. Franz and Elizabeth were the parents of ten children: Frank, Martin, Agnes, Mary, David, Henry, Elizabeth, Joseph, Katherine and Anna. Their eldest child, Frank J. Rieman (born 1858), was the father of the New Jersey branch of the Rieman family.
Franz started his career in Buffalo as a blacksmith, later advancing to the position of wheelwright. After serving in this capacity for several years, he became a partner in the Rieman-Selbert Carriage Factory with his partner and brother-in-law, Frank Selbert (Frank Selbert was married to Franz’s sister Lisette). In 1870, Franz then established his own carriage manufacturing factory. This was The F. Rieman Carriage Factory located at 71 South Division Street, Buffalo. He ran the factory for 16 years and in 1886 he turned over the ownership of the business to his sons: Frank J. Rieman and David F. Rieman. The business prospered for almost 3 decades when, in 1896, a fire destroyed the factory and it was not rebuilt.
In 1868, two years prior to starting his carriage business, Franz had a three story Victorian-style house built for his family on North Division Street in Buffalo. The house was occupied by his descendants until 1953, the year of daughter Katherine Rieman's death. Katherine was their second youngest child and the last survivor of that generation.
The five sons of Franz and Elizabeth all attended Canisius Prep High School in Buffalo. Several also attended Canisius College. Son, Frank J. Rieman, was a graduate of the College class of 1880. The five daughters of Franz and Elizabeth were educated at Sacred Heart Academy on Washington Street in downtown Buffalo. One of the daughters, Mary Rieman-Holzor died shortly after giving birth to her own daughter, Mabel. Mabel was then adopted by her grandparents, Franz and Elizabeth.
The following is information on some of the other children of Franz and Elizabeth: Agnes chose a career as a school teacher. Martin died at the age of 21. David was partner in ownership of the carriage factory with his older brother Frank. Henry was a manager at the factory. Elizabeth lived at home until her marriage. Joseph was a bookkeeper for the carriage business. Katherine was a German-English translator. The youngest, Anna, did clerical work for the family business. Granddaughter Mabel became a school teacher.
After rearing 10 children and the death of his wife Elizabeth in 1887, Franz David Rieman married again in 1890. At the time of this marriage he was 57 years old and his second wife, Mary, was 27. It was also at this time that he started going by the name David F. Rieman. He and Mary were the parents of five children: Agatha, Tressa, Mattias, Leo and Appalonia.
Franz David Rieman died on May 28, 1903 at the age of 70. He is buried near Buffalo at the United German & French Cemetery in Cheektowaga, New York.
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45. North Division Street, Buffalo
The above photo is of the Rieman home on North Division Street. The photo was taken while family members were in Buffalo attending Katherine (Kate) Rieman's funeral in August 1953. Kate was the last of Frank J. Rieman's siblings to pass away. From left to right in the photo: Vincent Rieman, Clarence Rieman Sr., Joan Rieman (wife of C.J. Rieman). Following is a description of the house provided by Joan Rieman:
The Rieman home on North Division Street in Buffalo was a three-story building exemplifying the Victorian style of architecture popular at the time. A wrought-iron railing surrounded the house and there was a driveway leading to a carriage house in the back. The house is no longer there, as it was demolished, along with the rest of the block in the 1980s.
Adjourning the entry hall, the parlor was furnished in the Victorian Style, including furniture and accessories. Windows were covered with lace curtains and velvet draperies. Valances over the windows were made of cherry wood and in the center of each valance a carved letter 'R' was gilded in gold. The dining room behind the parlor encompassed the width of the house. To the right corner of the room a small enclosed room was designated the 'Birthing Room'.
To the left of the dining room a small foyer contained a butler's pantry and servants' staircase to the second and third floors. The kitchen was located behind the foyer and could be accessed by a separate entrance from the rear yard. The second floor consisted of a large Master Bedroom, three additional bedrooms and the bathroom.
A basement contained a brick-baker's oven, built to supply the family with baked goods. Clarence Rieman Sr (who lived in the house as a young boy, prior to the family moving to New Jersey) recalled the servants baking 40 loaves of bread on Saturdays and accompanying his grandfather, Franz, in a horse-drawn carriage to distribute the bread to family members in Buffalo. |
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46. C.J. and Joan Rieman
Special thanks to C.J. Rieman and his wife, Joan, for the descriptions of the Buffalo house and factory that appear in these pages. Whenever I was in Colorado, I would visit C.J. and Joan at their home in Colorado Springs and it was a pleasure spending time with them.
C.J. was the grandson of Frank J. Rieman and the son of Clarence Rieman. He grew up in Jersey City, NJ and he attended Canisius College in Buffalo prior to serving in WWII. While attending Canisius, he got to know many of the Rieman family members still living there. The following text is from his obituary:
C. J. Rieman passed away July 11, 2009. He was born in Jersey City, New Jersey on July 10, 1917. A retired Business man and 39 year resident of Colorado Springs, he is survived by wife of 61 years: Joan, a daughter Arlette (Sheldon) Crane; three granddaughters: Barbara (Greg) Cannon, Shaunna Crane and Suzanne Crane, and three great grandchildren: Michael, Linda and Cason. A sister, Marie Sheeler. He was predeceased by a son James, a grandson (Don Crane), a brother Frank and his parents.
C. J. attended Canisius College, Buffalo New York, with a degree in Science, and McAllister School of Mortuary Science, New York City. He was a P-38 Fighter Pilot in the Pacific during World War II (New Guinea) and served a total of 17 and a half years. He is a member of the 475th Fighter Group Association and the Pilot Class of 43-D Association. |
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